Pricing placing hotel vacancies

Hotelprofessionals offers a quality product at competitive rates. Never hassle with different jobs at different media, but a great range for your vacancies and one clear and central overview. You'll find the best employees in the blink of an eye.

Our rates depend on the number of full time, part time employees plus interns in total on the payroll by location/hotel. The subscriptions offer unlimited hotel vacancies.

For 12-month subscriptionplan look at the pricingchart below *:
Number of employeesamount per year
0-25650 euro
26-501070 euro
51-1001580 euro
101-2001990 euro
201- 3002350 euro
301 and morecustomised quote
The rates are exclusive VAT and valid for participation before July 1, 2024.
You can directly use our vacancy package after you have registered.

More exposure?

Hotelprofessionals uses its network to give more attention to vacancies and/or actions.

Currently we are busy creatig new packages for extra exposure. They will consist out of social posts, mailings and other advertisement options.

If you are interested in the psossibilites please send us an email: