Express your interest after the job interview

You have just completed your job interview. You are excited and can already see yourself in the new role. So, what's next? Sitting at home and waiting without making any contact is definitely not an option! Providing brief feedback can truly make a difference. This is especially true in the hospitality sector, where excellent communication skills are crucial.

To call or email?

The decision is actually quite simple: don't overthink it. Put yourself in the shoes of the people you just spoke with. Consider what would be most valuable to them and how you can best respect their time. An email often suffices if you won't be working closely or intensively with your interviewers, or if they are very busy.

However, if you expect to work closely with the people you spoke with, or if you felt a special connection during the interview, then pick up the phone. In short: carefully assess the situation.

When should you get in touch?

Do not delay. It is advisable to make contact one or two days after the interview. This way, the discussion is still fresh in everyone's memory, but you've also had time to reflect on it.

What should you discuss?

Keep your message simple and to the point. There's no need to fill the conversation with small talk. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Thank your interviewers again for their time.

  • Mention that you enjoyed the conversation, and explain why.

  • Possibly ask a relevant question. This shows that you have thought seriously about the position and are still interested.

  • By following these guidelines, you not only show your appreciation for the opportunity, but you also highlight your enthusiasm and professional approach.

View below 12 other application tips.