Hotel Bar Department

Hotel Bar Department

Bar department roles:

Many hotels have their own hotel bar. The size of the hotel determines whether the bar is staffed full-time. The bar staff, including hospitality employees and waiters, often report to the Bar Manager. You are responsible for precisely dispensing drinks according to established standards and recipes. Additionally, you are creative in developing new drink recipes. As a bartender, you continuously strive to exceed guest expectations. It is crucial that you have thorough knowledge of various drinks, such as liqueurs, cocktails, beer, wine, and fortified wines.

Tasks of the Bar Employee

As a bar employee, you are flexible, a strong team player, energetic, and proactive. You are fully committed to optimizing your service. You are eager to learn and continuously improve, while inspiring your guests and colleagues with your positive attitude and smile. You instinctively understand what guests need and effortlessly balance informal and formal interactions. You have experience in making high-quality coffee and cocktails. Additionally, you are available for shifts during both weekdays and weekends. Check out all bar vacancies.

Interested in gaining experience as a bar employee? Various internships in the bar are regularly offered.

Main Tasks of the Bar Department:

  • Acting as host/hostess

  • Creating cocktails and other drinks

  • Serving drinks and various snacks

  • Compiling the cocktail menu

  • Ensuring, improving, and maintaining quality and service

  • Keeping the bar clean and tidy

  • Placing orders and managing inventories