Alle Hotel Jansen Bajeskwartier vacatures

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Er zijn momenteel geen vacatures bij Hotel Jansen Bajeskwartier
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Werken bij Hotel Jansen Bajeskwartier
    1. Bijdorpplantsoen 10
    2. 1096 DC / Amsterdam
    3. Noord-Holland
    4. (Nederland)
    5. 020 214 7147
    6. Website
  • Contact:
    Robin Verkade

Over Hotel Jansen Bajeskwartier


We are a hybrid home hotel offering short and long-term stay in a new and creative space. A flexible landing ground for international young talent coming to Amsterdam to work or study. We provide the privacy of your own room when you need it and a community when you want it.

We strive to make our guests feel a little less like a tourist and a lot more like a local.
And we do so with success! We are opening our second location in May 2023, and we invite you to be a part of it!

The name at the core of our hotels, Jansen, is one of the oldest and most common Dutch family names. Inspired by this heritage we are driven to revive a feeling of family.
Everything in the hotel revolves around this family idea.

Our newly rebranded Café Jansen is the heart of the hotel; it’s our lobby, a workplace, and a hang-out spot. Café Jansen is a place that feels like Amsterdam, inspired by the diversity and originality of the neighbourhood that is the newly redeveloped Bajeskwartier.

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